
2007-08-07 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:panliaoming编译
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  Combo Pills Prove Alluring but Tricky

  Posted by Jacob Goldstein

  Hey, everybody, I’ve got an idea for a fast and easy way to rejuvenate revenues without actually coming up with a new drug: Let’s make a combo pill! We’ll just take a couple old drugs off the shelf, mix them up in a single pill, and patent it. Instant blockbuster,right?

  It turns out the golden road to combo-pill riches is full of potholes– as GlaxoSmithKline and Pozen learned today. The FDA for the second time said it wasn’t ready to approve Trexima, a pill that combines Glaxo’s migraine blockbuster Imitrex with the generic painkiller naproxen (sold under the brand name Aleve). The agency wants more information from an early lab study that suggested the combination could carry risks not posed by either drug alone, Glaxo said.

  The delay is a tough blow for both companies. Glaxo is eager to get the drug approved, so it can switch patients to Trexima well before 2009, when Imitrex will face generic competition. Pozen doesn’t have any drugs on the market, and Trexima is its lead horse. The company’s stock plunged more than 45% this morning on the delay.

  Even combos that get approved aren’t surefire winners. Just yesterday, we wrote about NitroMed’s struggle to boost sales for BiDil, a heart pill that combines two generic medicines. And Pfizer hasn’t gotten much traction with Caduet, a combination of Lipitor and Norvasc, despite years of trying. In the second quarter, the combo cardio pill registered sales of just $119 million world-wide.

  Of course, there are reasons for companies to keep trying with combo pills. Merck and Schering-Plough have recently seen strong sales of Vytorin, a combination of two cholesterol medicines (one branded, one generic). And the drugs can be more convenient, especially in diseases like AIDS, where combination pills can simplify complicated multi-drug regimens and may make it more likely patients will take their medicine when they’re supposed to.

编辑: ache

