
2007-01-04 00:00 来源:丁香园 作者:luohui961 译
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荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的首席研究员Joline Beulens和他的同事们分析了从1986年起11000多名男性高血压患者的病例资料。受试者从2002年起每四年填写一份饮酒量调查表,在此期间所有心肌梗死和中风病例都被记录。研究期间总计出现了279次致死性和374次非致死性心肌梗死。分析结果表明,与少饮酒或不饮酒相比,每日饮一到两口酒可减少致死性和非致死性心肌梗死的发生。然而,该研究小组没有发现适量的饮酒可减少中风或冠心病死亡的风险的证据。



Beulens 说:“因为过量饮酒无疑会增高血压,许多男性高血压患者被劝告不要饮酒,但是我们的研究结果显示如果患者饮酒适度戒酒大可不必。”

美国麻萨诸塞州,波士顿哈佛医学院的Kenneth Mukamal补充说:“每位高血压患者同他们的医生讨论饮酒量非常重要,因为过量饮酒,即使是偶尔,能升高血压。然而,我们的结果提示适量饮酒的男性高血压患者似乎同其他男性一样低的发病风险。”

Moderate drinking lowers heart disease risk in hypertensive men

2 January 2007

Drinking one or two alcoholic drinks each day reduces the risk of myocardial infarction (MI) in men with hypertension, study results suggest.

However, lead researcher Joline Beulens, from Wageningen University in The Netherlands, and colleagues stress that drinking more than this level of alcohol may negatively affect the health of hypertensive patients, given that excess alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure.

The researchers analyzed information collected from a study of more than 11,000 men with hypertension that began in 1986.

The participants completed a survey on alcohol consumption every 4 years until 2002, and all cases of MI and stroke during this time were recorded.

In total, 279 fatal and 374 nonfatal MIs occurred during the study period.

Analysis revealed that consuming one to two alcoholic drinks a day was associated with a reduced risk of fatal and nonfatal MI, compared with less frequent or no alcohol consumption.

Furthermore, this relationship remained true after taking into account diet, weight, and physical activity levels among the participants.

However, the team found no evidence to suggest that moderate alcohol consumption reduced the risk of stroke or death from coronary heart disease.

"Because excess alcohol intake clearly increases blood pressure, many men with hypertension are counseled not to drink, but our results suggest that may not be necessary if men drink safely and responsibly," Beulens commented.

Kenneth Mukamal, from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, added: "It is important for all individuals with high blood pressure to discuss their alcohol intake with their physicians, as heavy consumption, even occasionally, can raise blood pressure.

"However, our results suggest that men with high blood pressure seem to have the same lower risk associated with moderate drinking that other men do."

The research is published in the current issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Ann Intern Med 2007: 146: 10–19


编辑: 张靖

